DIY Your Own Pet Themed Guess Who Game This Holiday Season

Can you guys believe it is already almost Christmas time? This December has flown by this year and shopping has been at the bottom of our to do list around here. If you have someone who is obsessed with their dog on your list and you aren’t sure what to get them, try out this DIY Guess Who Game! If they’re like me, they already have their pet’s face on bags, shirts, art work, and more! Also, ordering personalized pet themed items can take several weeks with customization. So if you have a little time on your hands before the holidays, try this out!

Here’s What You’ll Need:

  • Guess Who Board Game
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • 24 different photos of your pet
  • Paper & access to a printer. I used printer paper but would recommend cardstock if you have access to it
  • Canva Account- this is free to use and will help you create the cards needed for the game. If you don’t want to create an account, you may be able to use Microsoft word.

Step 1: Select Your Photos. These will be used for the game cards!

Pick out 24 different photos of the pet that will be the star of the game! I tried to pic a variety of different pictures like young Teddy, vacation Teddy, Teddy dressed up, Teddy with me and my husband, etc. This add variety to your game! These should be photos that will bring joy to the game recipient’s face! I saved all photos on our computer desktop in a folder called “Guess Ted”

Step 2: Log In to Your Account and Get Ready to Create Your Cards is a great resource that is mostly free to use. It is free to have an account but there are some graphics that you have to pay for. I just avoid using the pay graphics and use it to create free graphics for social media, the blog, and for this game! If you accidentally select a graphic, font, or template that costs money to use, it will warn you before you are able to download your work.

You Will Need to Create Two Sets of Game Cards!

For the game, you need a total of two sets of cards. The first is two copies of your cards that will go inside the game board and the other is a larger size that will be used for you to pull as your player cards. Let’s start with how to create your set for the game board.

When on canva, go to “create a design” in the top right hand corner. Then select, custom size at the very bottom in the left hand corner. Change the size from “px” to “in”. For these cards, you will want them to be sized at 1.12 x 1.14 in. Click on “create new design”. This will open up a new tab or page on your screen with a perfect little square. There are a lot of things you can do in canva. You can click on your blank white square to change the background color, you can click on elements on the left hand side of the page to add different graphics or shapes, and you can add text, also found on the left hand side of the screen. You will want each card to have a name. Play around with your design until the background of the card is ready!

Then click on “uploads” on the left hand side of the page. This is where you will upload your photos that you wish to use on the cards. Once everything is uploaded, you can click on the image you want for each card and drag it over to where you’d like it. As a reminder, you need 24 different cards. When you are finished, click the “download” button in the top right hand corner and hit download. This will allow you to download and save your cards. You can keep them as png files but I think I changed ours to pdf. You can do this by clicking on “change filed type” and selecting “pdf” from the drop down menu. Then print them and cut them out !Here are some samples of our cards.

Now Time to Create Your Cards For Picking Your Character!

Following the steps above, go back to the home page of canva and click on “create a design” again. Now it is time to create the larger game cards that you will use to pick your player. Change your size from “px” to “in”and this time set your size to 1.5 x 3in. This will open up the template in a new page. The shape should look like a tall and thin rectangle! Follow steps above to copy your design or create a new design for the cards. Make sure you use the same name and text as the game cards. Those are the names you will be guessing when it is time to guess who your opponent has as their player. Print your cards and cut them out. Here’s what a few of our larger cards look like. As you can see, they are very similar!

Step 3: Time to Glue Your Photos to the Guess Who Cards

Once you have cut your photos out, glue them to cards that came in the Guess Who game. Dry them overnight and then insert that smaller square cards into game boards. If you are using card stock, you may be able to skip this step and just insert the card stock directly into the game.

Step 4: Have fun!

Get ready to play and have fun! If you have time, you can even decorate your box!

Check out our Instagram account for a reel to see the game being assembled!

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