4 Reasons Why I Love Our K9 Sport Sack as a Suburban Dog Mom

Over the years, we have seen dogs in backpack style carriers and they always caught my attention. There’s something so exciting about seeing a dog on their human’s back in a back pack. I never thought that a pet back pack would be something that would fit our lifestyle because all the ones we have seen have been for more outdoorsy activities like hiking, which we don’t do too often. When we go out with Teddy, it is to do things like go on walks at his favorite parks, hit local markets, and enjoy dining on patios.

Last month, K9 Sport Sack reached out to us to have us try out one of their carriers. We were so excited to partner with them and have the chance to try something new. We even partnered with them on a blog post where we take you through our day in the life of as a suburban dog mom. If you want to learn more about how we selected our bag and how we use, click here to read that post! We chose the Urban 2 Sport Sack, which is perfect for our lifestyle!

4 Reasons Why I Love Our K9 Sport Sack as a Suburban Dog Mom

Avoiding Crowds

One of our favorite things to do with Teddy is to go to dog friendly local arts markets, farmers markets, and festivals. He absolutely loves getting to go to to these types of events and see all the people and things! One con about these types of events is that they can get crowded. Teddy is a smaller dog, so one thing I worry about is him getting stepped on when we are in crowded areas. Usually I just pick him him and carry him. Even though he is only 13lbs, he can get heavy when carrying him around an arts market! With the K9 Sport Sack Urban 2 bag, we were able to find a quiet and not crowded corner and get him inside the bag. He had a great time exploring and seeing things from new heights!

Easy to Transport

The Urban 2 is a small and light weights back that can be easily kept in your car. I always keep mine in the trunk with Teddy’s supplies, so it is always on hand. Teddy absolutely loves walking, so I usually will let him walk on his leash to start and I just carry the bag with me for when he gets tired, needs a break, or if the crowd gets too large. We also have a stroller but that can be hard to transport since it is larger and takes up more space. I don’t always have access to his stroller since I keep that stored at home so I don’t take up my trunk space by always having it there. The Urban 2 is easy to keep in the car for those days you need it.

Keeps Paws Off Hot Pavement

Living in Louisiana, the pavement and sidewalks can get very hot during the summer months and even into the fall. Living in a hot and humid climate can make it hard to take Teddy out sometimes. By having our K9 Sport Sack on hand, we can put him in there to enjoy outings on days where the pavement is too hot. Generally we avoid taking Teddy out when it is too hot, but having this bag as an option helps ease the stress of whether or not the pavement may be too hot for his little paws.

Teddy Gets a Break

By having the K9 Sport Sack, Teddy is able to get a break and rest his paws. We are good about taking breaks when we are out and letting him sit and relax to rest up if we are going to be out walking a lot, but sometimes he just gets so excited that he doesn’t want to take those breaks. We can watch Teddy and see if he really needs to take a short break from walking, put him in the bag for a rest and then let him get back to sniffing around!

About K9 Sport Sack

K9 Sport Sack was started after the founder’s sister found a sweet pup in a dumpster, who she named Daisy. Daisy then went on to live with the K9 Sport Sack founders. They had just bought bicycles for long distance rides and wanted Daisy to be able to tag along. They initially tried putting Daisy in a school backpack but the zippers slipped open and it wasn’t safe for Daisy. They brainstormed many ideas, eventually putting her in a drawstring backpack, which worked the best, This drawstring bag inspired the first design of the K9 Sport Sack!

Industry Approved

K9 Sport Sack works with a team of industry experts to ensure that their products are safe for our furry family members. The bags are crafted under the direction of veterinarians and dog trainers. They are made with 6 standard safety features.

No Dog Left Behind Promise

Inspired by Dumpster Daisy, K9 Sport Sack believes in giving back to animals in need. They recognize that rescues and shelters are often underfunded and understaffed. For every purchase, a portion of the sale is donated to rescues and shelters world wide to help our furry friends in need.

Do you have a carrier for your pet? If not, we suggest checking out the K9 Sport Sack options to find the best fit for your pet. You can learn more about the brand and carriers here.

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