Finding the Right Supplements for Your Pet With Finn

Our pets need vitamins and supplements just as much as we do and I was so happy when Finn reached out to have Teddy try out some of their supplements. Getting Teddy on a vitamin had been on my to do list for the past year but I just never found the time. I am so happy that we found Finn! Teddy has been using their vitamins for the past 6 months and can tell they are making a difference. Keep reading to see why we recommend adding Finn supplements to your pet’s daily routine.


Finn was originally founded as a wellness company for humans but their founder was inspired by their dog BonBon and so Finn came to be! As a brand, they are committed to keeping our pets healthy and they care about pets in need. They partner with local animal shelters to help keep the animals healthy and happy. Their products are packaged in bright, colorful, recyclable tins and are certified by the National Animal Supplement Council.

Finn is science based and results driven, with ingredients vetted and backed by veterinarians. They believe in using high quality ingredients because it is what our pets deserve. Finn believes that every pet is unique and they are there to help support each pet’s individual needs through each phase of life. Teddy is 7 years old but he still acts like a young guy, so similar to Britney in her “not a girl, not yet a woman phase”, Teddy is in his “not a puppy, not yet a senior phase”.

We truly love using Finn products and I think they have made a difference in Teddy’s overall health.


One of the best things we can do for our pets is support their joints. As some dogs age, they could be more prone to flexibility and mobility issues. Teddy turned 7 in September, so thinking about his future as he ages has become a priority for us. We were excited to be able to try Finn’s Hip & Joint vitamin.

The Hip & Joint vitamin helps dogs with:

  • Flexibility and Mobility
  • Joint Discomfort
  • Inflammation Response
  • Joint Nourishment

Some of the key ingredients in this vitamin are organic turmeric and glucosamine. Turmeric helps maintain a normal, healthy inflammatory response and reduce join stiffness in our dogs.

This vitamin is great for senior dogs but can be used on dogs of all ages. Hip & Joint helps with long term joint health and will help Teddy maintain a healthy and active lifestyle into his senior years.


Teddy has also been taking the Finn Digestive Probiotic which has been a great addition to his diet! This vitamin is small, soft and chewy. Teddy is about 13 pounds and both this vitamin and the Hip & Joint are a great size for him and are the perfect soft, chewy texture that he likes. He prefers me to crumble his vitamins up on top of his dinner, but they are meant to be given like a treat.

The Digestive Probiotic helps with:

  • Proper digestion
  • Aiding in nutrient absorption
  • Nourishing “good” gut bacteria
  • Soothing stomach discomfort

Some key ingredients in the Digestive probiotic are pumpkin, probiotics, prebiotics, and inulin. Since Teddy has started taking this, we have noticed that his digestion has seemed to improve! His potties look healthier, he seems to go more regularly, and his stomach seems to be feeling better! At his annual vet visit, we talked to his doctor about how Teddy’s tummy seemed to make gurgling sounds a lot but he didn’t seem to be in discomfort or anything. Since adding this to his routine, the gurgling has decreased!

You can find Finn on Instagram here.

Have you added any kind of supplement to your pet’s diet? If not, we highly recommend adding something from Finn. You can learn more about the brand here and you can purchase their products on Amazon! Let us know what you think below.

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